"Rocks In His Head" 1. midnight 2. midpoint 3. midsection 4. midday 5. outdoors 6. outfield 7. outgoing 8. outside 9. outline 10. overgrown 11. overtime 12. overdue 13. overflow 14. overweight 15. prepaid 16. pretest 17. prefix 18. precaution 19. prediction 20. prehistoric Charlie 1. basket 2. collar 3. happen 4. lesson 5. lettuce 6. monster 7. napkin 8. puppet 9. sister 10. problem 11. subject 12. suggest 13. supper 14. traffic 15. winter 16. skillet 17. picnic 18. planet 19. system 20.pumpkin what about me 1. bodies 2. bunches 3. copies 4. crashes 5. families 6. glasses 7. inches 8. lists 9. parties 10. pencils 11. pennies 12. plants 13. pockets 14. supplies 15. wishes 16. accidents 17. libraries 18. mysteries 19. carpenters 20. merchants Pushing Up the Sky 1. disagree 2. disappear 3. dishonest 4. dislike 5. mislead 6. misspell 7. mistake 8. react 9. recall 10. replace 11. rewrrite 12. unhappy 13. unknown 14. unload 15. unroll 16. unfortunate 17. discourage 18. uncomfortable 19. recycle 20. mispronounce Seeing Stars 1. brake 2. budge 3. change 4. clock 5. crack 6. edge 7. jacket 8. judge 9. kitten 10. large 11. mark 12. orange 13. page 14. pocket 15. ridge 16. freckles 17. advantage 18. pledge 19. huge 20. kingdom My Rows and Piles of Coins 1. amount 2. annoy 3. appoint 4. avoid 5. bounce 6. broil 7. choice 8. employ 9. hour 10. poison 11. proud 12. prowl 13. shower 14. thousand 15. voyage 16. however 17. mountain 18. coward 19. turmoil 20. chowder Charlie 1. basket 2. collar 3. happen 4. lesson 5. lettuce 6. monster 7. napkin 8. puppet 9. sister 10. problem 11. subject 12. suggest 13. supper 14. traffic 15. winter 16. skillet 17. picnic 18. planet 19. system 20.pumpkin Penguin Chick 1. camel 2. even 3. female 4. finish 5. focus 6. lemon 7. music 8. pilot 9. pupil 10. rapid 11. robot 12. salad 13. silent 14. tulip 15. wagon 16. resident 17. spinach 18. climate 19. tradition 20. innocent I Wanna Iquana 1. gentle 2. simple 3. juggle 4. trouble 5. middle 6. example 7. people 8. obstacle 9. poodle 10. riddle 11. saddle 12. handle 13. table 14. little 15. uncle 16. noodle 17. throttle 18. pickle 19. miracle 20. muscle Tops and Bottoms 1. throne 2. strike 3. split 4. throw 5. squeak 6. squid 7. strong 8. strange 9. throat 10. street 11. three 12. instrument 13. square 14. strawberry 15. splurge 16. thrill 17. squeeze 18. splash 19. strategy 20. squander Prudy's Problem 1. blueberry 2. butterflies 3. campground 4. earring 5. football 6. haircut 7. homework 8. lawnmower 9. popcorn 10. railroad 11. sandbox 12. scarecrow 13. snowstorm 14. sunglasses 15. toothbrush 16. thumbtack 17. earthquake 18. scrapbook 19. courthouse 20. whirlpool Penguin Chick 1. camel 2. even 3. female 4. finish 5. focus 6. lemon 7. music 8. pilot 9. pupil 10. rapid 11. robot 12. salad 13. silent 14. tulip 15. wagon 16. resident 17. spinach 18. climate 19. tradition 20. innocent Amazing Bird Nests 1. alphabet 2. athlete 3. catch 4. chapter 5. English 6. fashion 7. father 8. flash 9. nephew 10. other 11. pitcher 12. shrink 13. trophy 14. watch 15. weather 16. northern 17. establish 18. emphasis 19. hyphen 20. challenge How Do You Raise A Raisin 1. can't 2. didn't 3. hasn't 4. haven't 5. it's 6. aren't 7. let's 8. she'll 9. shouldn't 10. they'll 11. wasn't 12. weren't 13. isn't 14. won't 15. you'll 16. mustn't 17. wouldn't 18. couldn't 19. don't 20. you've What About Me Kumak's Fish 1. angrier 2. easiest 3. emptied 4. freezing 5. funniest 6. getting 7. greatest 8. heavier 9. leaving 10. pleased 11. shopped 12. strangest 13. swimming 14. using 15. worried 16. included 17. occurred 18. supplying 19. scarier 20. happiest Supermarket 1. agree 2. braid 3. cheese 4. clean 5. coach 6. display 7. dream 8. float 9. grain 10. peach 11. shadow 12. container 13. teeth 14. thrown 15. window 16. entertain 17. complain 18. bleachers 19. willow 20. wheat My Rows and Piles of Coins 1. amount 2. annoy 3. appoint 4. avoid 5. bounce 6. broil 7. choice 8. employ 9. hour 10. poison 11. proud 12. prowl 13. shower 14. thousand 15. voyage 16. however 17. mountain 18. coward 19. turmoil 20. chowder Charlie 1. basket 2. collar 3. happen 4. lesson 5. lettuce 6. monster 7. napkin 8. puppet 9. sister 10. problem 11. subject 12. suggest 13. supper 14. traffic 15. winter 16. skillet 17. picnic 18. planet 19. system 20.pumpkin Penguin Chick 1. camel 2. even 3. female 4. finish 5. focus 6. lemon 7. music 8. pilot 9. pupil 10. rapid 11. robot 12. salad 13. silent 14. tulip 15. wagon 16. resident 17. spinach 18. climate 19. tradition 20. innocent I Wanna Iquana 1. gentle 2. simple 3. juggle 4. trouble 5. middle 6. example 7. people 8. obstacle 9. poodle 10. riddle 11. saddle 12. handle 13. table 14. little 15. uncle 16. noodle 17. throttle 18. pickle 19. miracle 20. muscle Tops and Bottoms 1. throne 2. strike 3. split 4. throw 5. squeak 6. squid 7. strong 8. strange 9. throat 10. street 11. three 12. instrument 13. square 14. strawberry 15. splurge 16. thrill 17. squeeze 18. splash 19. strategy 20. squander Prudy's Problem 1. blueberry 2. butterflies 3. campground 4. earring 5. football 6. haircut 7. homework 8. lawnmower 9. popcorn 10. railroad 11. sandbox 12. scarecrow 13. snowstorm 14. sunglasses 15. toothbrush 16. thumbtack 17. earthquake 18. scrapbook 19. courthouse 20. whirlpool Penguin Chick 1. camel 2. even 3. female 4. finish 5. focus 6. lemon 7. music 8. pilot 9. pupil 10. rapid 11. robot 12. salad 13. silent 14. tulip 15. wagon 16. resident 17. spinach 18. climate 19. tradition 20. innocent Amazing Bird Nests 1. alphabet 2. athlete 3. catch 4. chapter 5. English 6. fashion 7. father 8. flash 9. nephew 10. other 11. pitcher 12. shrink 13. trophy 14. watch 15. weather 16. northern 17. establish 18. emphasis 19. hyphen 20. challenge How Do You Raise A Raisin 1. can't 2. didn't 3. hasn't 4. haven't 5. it's 6. aren't 7. let's 8. she'll 9. shouldn't 10. they'll 11. wasn't 12. weren't 13. isn't 14. won't 15. you'll 16. mustn't 17. wouldn't 18. couldn't 19. don't 20. you've Armadillo 1. water 2. over 3. never 4. under 5. river 6. number 7. wonder 8. tower 9. rather 10. finger 11. tangle 12. twisted 13. prairie 14. travel 15. explore 16. descend 17. brilliant 18. universe 19. eventually 20. armadillo Liberty 1. glue 2. bamboo 3. noodle 4. true 5. bushel 6. suit 7. cookie 8. cushion 9. blue 10. school 11. balloon 12. goose 13. mildew 14. barefoot 15. renewal 16. fruit 17. soothe 18. chew 19. bookmark 20. few Kang 1. circus 2. afraid 3. gallon 4. another 5. cardinal 6. character 7. above 8. dinosaur 9. sugar 10. animal 11. open 12. melon 13. upon 14. item 15. oval 16. paper 17. particular 18. family 19. travel 20. nickel Walls 1. action 2. future 3. celebrate 4. fiction 5. creature 6. picture 7. declare 8. vision 9. division 10. mural 11. create 12. furniture 13. artist 14. mansion 15. feature 16. culture 17. question 18. scultpure 19. vacation 20. direction Ants 1. leader 2. remark 3. joyful 4. graceful 5. careful 6. reappear 7. remind 8. asleep 9. mistake 10. followed 11. reached 12. crawled 13. climbed 14. landed 15. vanished 16. owner 17. tasty 18. shiny 19. neatly 20. suddenly Atlantis 1. ability 2. major 3. cloth 4. natural 5. deal 6. please 7. equal 8. signal 9. equator 10. signature 11. majority 12. able 13. meant 14. clothes 15. nature 16. pleasant 17. dealt 18. sign 19. equation 20. mean Meatballs 1. butter 2. silly 3. sudden 4. correct 5. letter 6. matter 7. supper 8. common 9. lesson 10. collect 11. ceiling 12. squeeze 13. usually 14. supply 15. assorted 16. possible 17. occasional 18. prediction 19. dictation 20. television Leah 1. quick 2. wise 3. large 4. slow 5. cool 6. warm 7. soon 8. short 9. kind 10. loud 11. tractor 12. swift 13. around 14. whisper 15. neighbor 16. borrow 17. auction 18. gallop 19. stranger 20. straight Javelinas 1. notebook 2. upstairs 3. downstairs 4. doorway 5. sunset 6. sunrise 7. sunshine 8. football 9. soccer 10. baseball 11. basketball 12. outdoors 13. indoors 14. bookcase 15. bookshelf 16. hallway 17. driveway 18. sidewalk 19. playground 20. neighborhood Alejandro 1. farmer 2. useful 3. softly 4. suitable 5. lonely 6. quietly 7. teacher 8. thankful 9. exactly 10. readable 11. windmill 12. visitor 13. desert 14. cherish 15. unexpected 16. approach 17. reallized 18. forgotten 19. suddenly 20. occasionally Charlie 1. basket 2. collar 3. happen 4. lesson 5. lettuce 6. monster 7. napkin 8. puppet 9. sister 10. problem 11. subject 12. suggest 13. supper 14. traffic 15. winter 16. skillet 17. picnic 18. planet 19. system 20.pumpkin Visitors from space 1. simple 2. total 3. middle 4. title 5. central 6. signal 7. normal 8. visitor 9. comet 10. suddenly 11. planets 12. gravity 13. frozen 14. curve 15. reflect 16. orbit 17. asteroid 18. nucleus 19. scientist 20. astronomer Tops and Bottoms 1. throne 2. strike 3. split 4. throw 5. squeak 6. squid 7. strong 8. strange 9. throat 10. street 11. three 12. instrument 13. square 14. strawberry 15. splurge 16. thrill 17. squeeze 18. splash 19. strategy 20. squander What About Me 1. bodies 2. bunches 3. copies 4. crashes 5. families 6. glasses 7. inches 8. lists 9. parties 10. pencils 11. pennies 12. plants 13. pockets 14. supplies 15. wishes 16. accidents 17. libraries 18. mysteries 19. carpenters 20. merchants Kumak's Fish 1. angrier 2. easiest 3. emptied 4. freezing 5. funniest 6. getting 7. greatest 8. heavier 9. leaving 10. pleased 11. shopped 12. strangest 13. swimming 14. using 15. worried 16. included 17. occurred 18. supplying 19. scarier 20. happiest Supermarket 1. agree 2. braid 3. cheese 4. clean 5. coach 6. display 7. dream 8. float 9. grain 10. peach 11. shadow 12. container 13. teeth 14. thrown 15. window 16. entertain 17. complain 18. bleachers 19. willow 20. wheat My Rows and Piles of Coins 1. amount 2. annoy 3. appoint 4. avoid 5. bounce 6. broil 7. choice 8. employ 9. hour 10. poison 11. proud 12. prowl 13. shower 14. thousand 15. voyage 16. however 17. mountain 18. coward 19. turmoil 20. chowder Charlie 1. basket 2. collar 3. happen 4. lesson 5. lettuce 6. monster 7. napkin 8. puppet 9. sister 10. problem 11. subject 12. suggest 13. supper 14. traffic 15. winter 16. skillet 17. picnic 18. planet 19. system 20.pumpkin Penguin Chick 1. camel 2. even 3. female 4. finish 5. focus 6. lemon 7. music 8. pilot 9. pupil 10. rapid 11. robot 12. salad 13. silent 14. tulip 15. wagon 16. resident 17. spinach 18. climate 19. tradition 20. innocent I Wanna Iquana 1. gentle 2. simple 3. juggle 4. trouble 5. middle 6. example 7. people 8. obstacle 9. poodle 10. riddle 11. saddle 12. handle 13. table 14. little 15. uncle 16. noodle 17. throttle 18. pickle 19. miracle 20. muscle Tops and Bottoms 1. throne 2. strike 3. split 4. throw 5. squeak 6. squid 7. strong 8. strange 9. throat 10. street 11. three 12. instrument 13. square 14. strawberry 15. splurge 16. thrill 17. squeeze 18. splash 19. strategy 20. squander Prudy's Problem 1. blueberry 2. butterflies 3. campground 4. earring 5. football 6. haircut 7. homework 8. lawnmower 9. popcorn 10. railroad 11. sandbox 12. scarecrow 13. snowstorm 14. sunglasses 15. toothbrush 16. thumbtack 17. earthquake 18. scrapbook 19. courthouse 20. whirlpool Penguin Chick 1. camel 2. even 3. female 4. finish 5. focus 6. lemon 7. music 8. pilot 9. pupil 10. rapid 11. robot 12. salad 13. silent 14. tulip 15. wagon 16. resident 17. spinach 18. climate 19. tradition 20. innocent Amazing Bird Nests 1. alphabet 2. athlete 3. catch 4. chapter 5. English 6. fashion 7. father 8. flash 9. nephew 10. other 11. pitcher 12. shrink 13. trophy 14. watch 15. weather 16. northern 17. establish 18. emphasis 19. hyphen 20. challenge How Do You Raise A Raisin 1. can't 2. didn't 3. hasn't 4. haven't 5. it's 6. aren't 7. let's 8. she'll 9. shouldn't 10. they'll 11. wasn't 12. weren't 13. isn't 14. won't 15. you'll 16. mustn't 17. wouldn't 18. couldn't 19. don't 20. you've Pushing Up the Sky 1. disagreee 2. disappear 3. dishojnest 4. dislike 5. mislead 6. misspell 7. mistake 8. react 9. recall 10. replace 11. rewrrite 12. unhappy 13. unknown 14. unload 15. unroll 16. unfortunate 17. discourage 18. uncomfortable 19. recycle 20. mispronounce Seeing Stars 1. brake 2. budge 3. change 4. clock 5. crack 6. edge 7. jacket 8. judge 9. kitten 10. large 11. mark 12. orange 13. page 14. pocket 15. ridge 16. freckles 17. advantage 18. pledge 19. huge 20. kingdom I Wanna Iguana 1. gentle 2. simple 3. juggle 4. trouble 5. middle 6. example 7. people 8. obstacle 9. poodle 10. riddle 11. saddle 12. handle 13. table 14. little 15. uncle 16. noodle 17. throttle 18. pickle 19. miracle 20. muscle a Symphony of Whales 1. beautifu; 2. cheerful 3. daily 4. fairness 5. finally 6. helpful 7. illness 8. kindness 9. painful 10. quietly 11. safely 12. spotless 13. suddenly 14. wireless 15. worthless 16. anxiously 17. thoughtfully 18. cautiously 19. tardiness 20. breathless Around One Cactus 1. assign 2. climb 3. crumb 4. design 5. gnaw 6. knit 7. knob 8. knot 9. know 10. lamb 11. thumb 12. wrench 13. wrinkle 14. wrist 15. written 16. wrestler 17. bologna 18. cologne 19. honeycomb 20. neighbor Tops and Bottoms 1. blueberry 2. butterflies 3. campground 4. earring 5. football 6. haircut 7. homework 8. lawnmower 9. popcorn 10. railroad 11. sandbox 12. scarecrow 13. snowstorm 14. sunglasses 15. toothbrush 16. thumbtack 17. earthquake 18. scrapbook 19. courthouse 20. whirlpool Raisin 1. can't 2. didn't 3. hasn't 4. haven't 5. it's 6. aren't 7. let's 8. she'll 9. shouldn't 10. they'll 11. wasn't 12. weren't 13. isn't 14. won't 15. you'll 16. mustn't 17. wouldn't 18. couldn't 19. don't 20. you've The Man Who Invented Basketball 1. eyes 2. children 3. cuffs 4. elves 5. feet 6. geese 7. halves 8. heroes 9. knives 10. men 11. mice 12. scarves 13. sheep 14. wolves 15. women 16. wives 17. loaves 18. beliefs 19. potatoes 20. tornadoes Hottest Coldest Highest Deepest 1. certain 2. dirty 3. early 4. earn 5. Earth 6. herself 7. nerve 8. perfect 9. third 10. thirsty 11. verb 12. word 13. workout 14. world 15. worm 16. determine 17. service 18. whirl 19. mercy 20. virtue Rocks in His Head 1. midnight 2. midpoint 3. midsection 4. midday 5. outdoors 6. outfield 7. outgoing 8. outside 9. outline 10. overgrown 11. overtime 12. overdue 13. overflow 14. overweight 15. prepaid 16. pretest 17. prefix 18. precaution 19. prediction 20. prehistoric 1. disagree 2. disappear 3. dishonest 4. dislike 5. mislead 6. misspell 7. mistake 8. react 9. recall 10. replace 11. rewrite 12. unhappy 13. unknown 14. unload 15. unroll 16. unfortunate 17. discourage 18. uncomfortable 19. recycle 20. mispronounce Swimmer 1. actor 2. artisit 3. chemist 4. conductor 5. dentist 6. editor 7. performer 8. investor 9. doctor 10. therapist 11. teacher 12. dancer 13. singer 14. lawyer 15. banker 16. writer 17. shipper 18. director 19. tutor 20. hostess Eagle 1. address 2. children 3. complete 4. contrast 5. control 6. district 7. explode 8. hundred 9. inspect 10. instant 11. monster 12. pilgrim 13. sample 14. subsatance 15. surprise 16. merchant 17. embrace 18. purchase 19. curtsy 20. contract Bagels 1. ceiling 2. deceive 3. eighteen 4. either 5. weight 6. height 7. leisure 8. neighbor 9. neither 10. receive 11. teacher 12. bagel 13. bakery 14. street 15. bread 16. oven 17. dough 18. batch 19. decide 20. parents romie 1. rocky 2. crunchy 3. childhood 4. childish 5. bumpy 6. rainy 7. sleepy 8. guilty 9. foolilsh 10. movement 11. selfish 12. parenthood 13. neighborhood 14. environment 15. stylish 16. payment 17. shipment 18. lilvelihood 19. treatment 20. assignment Stars 1. brake 2. budge 3. change 4. clock 5. crack 6. edge 7. jacket 8. judge 9. kitten 10. large 11. mark 12. orange 13. page 14. pocket 15. ridge 16. freckles 17. advantage 18. pledge 19. huge 20. kingdom Whales 1. beautiful 2. cheerful 3. daily 4. fairness 5. finally 6. helpful 7. illness 8. kindness 9. painful 10. quietly 11. safely 12. spotless 13. suddenly 14. wireless 15. worthless 16. anxiously 17. thoughtfully 18. cautiously 19. tardiness 20. breathless Suki 1. radio 2. audio 3. cereal 4. studio 5. creation 6. trio 7. idea 8. video 9. patio 10. violin 11. stadium 12. radiate 13. audience 14. recreation 15. rodeo 16. pioneet 17. create 18. duo 19. medium 20. piano Goodbye 382 1. always 2. walnut 3. drawn 4. small 5. applause 6. altogether 7. false 8. awning 9. lawn 10. because 11. awesome 12. already 13. sausage 14. flaw 15. laundry 16. almost 17. author 18. faucet 19. straw 20. also Cactus 1. assign 2. climb 3. crumb 4. design 5. gnaw 6. knit 7. knob 8. knot 9. know 10. lamb 11. thumb 12. wrench 13. wrinkle 14. wrist 15. written 16. wrestler 17. bologna 18. cologne 19. honeycomb 20. neighbor |