Each morning the students and faculty are informed of the day's events through the student-run television show. The broadcast begins with a theme song and an entertaining monthly intro. Prepared scripts are projected on a teleprompter. Eighth grade students take turns anchoring the show. Anchors change weekly. Behind the scenes are eighth grade students operating the cameras, mixer, computer and teleprompter. One student acts as director and keeps the crew on task. Prayers and Saint of the day are included daily.
Classes are invited to the studio (area outside the Media Center) to view the live production.
Our studio was a gift from the Class of 2006 and the broadcast equipment was a gift from the class of 2017.
As part of the eighth grade project for computer class, students are required to develop a PSA or SSA (School Service Announcement). Students create storyboards, film their scenes and then edit their projects. The last part of the process: delivery. Final versions are viewed throughout the school year on the closed circuit TV system during our daily morning broadcast.
Some materials used in these projects contain copyrighted works but are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the educational multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.