St. Mary of the Lakes School is a part of the Diocese of Trenton.
The schools in this Diocese are on trimesters and your child will receive three progress reports and three report cards this school year.
The Grading for Kindergarten report cards includes all academic subjects, religion and fine motor skills which are graded with performance indicators.
P- Proficient D- Developing E- Emerging N- Not yet evident
Enrichment Classes include: Art, Computers, Music, Spanish, and Physical Education classes which are graded using the following rubric:
4-Outstanding 3-Good 2-Satisfactory 1-Progress is Needed
Conduct on Report Cards is evaluated as the following:
U- Unsatisfactory. N- Needs Improvement S- Satisfactory
Personal and Social Development areas assessed and they are listed as:
+ Areas of Strength ^ Areas of Growth Needed
In Kindergarten, we administer weekly Fundations skill assessments.
In Math, there are multiple quizzes in each chapter as well as tests at the end of each chapter.