Link to Parent Access
Welcome Parents!
- USE THE FORGET MY PASSWORD button next to login, do not attempt to log in.
- Follow this link to GENESIS LOGIN
Provide your email when requested. You will receive an email to reset your password from Parent Access.
- Copy and paste the temporary password, create a new password, and log in with the created new password
The Parent Access Module, provided by Genesis Educational Services and the Diocese of Trenton, is a safe, secure way of enabling parents to access their own child's records using the Internet.
You will be able to view your child's grades and assignments. Please note that all grading is numeric. When report cards are issued the numeric grades will be translated into the Alpha Grades for grades
2-8 and the Grading Rubric for enrichment classes. Grades and assignments will be posted for the major subjects grades 2-8.
Grading Scale (5th-8th)
A - (93%-100%) Outstanding
B - (85%-92%) Good
C - (77%-84%) Satisfactory
D - (70%-76%) Needs Improvement
U - (Below 70%) Not Meeting Curriculum Expectations
Enrichment Scale/Grading Scale (2nd-4th)
E - Exceeding Expectations
M - Meeting Expectations
G - Growing Proficiency
L - Limited Proficiency
Link to Parent Access