Religion: We expand our understanding of our faith through studying the sacraments and parts of the Mass.
ELA: We read a variety of genres, create and enjoy poetry, and develop writing skills using the five steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. We reinforce correct usage of grammar and hone spelling and vocabulary skills. The Author's Chair, Bird Word, and writing on-line independent fictional books help to infuse our program with excitement.
Science: We explore our world through hands-on learning experiences as we investigate Earth Science, weather, space, energy and matter, as well as the human body. We explore monthly STEM labs by including current events or holiday-themed activities.
Math: Our students tudents use all four operations to further develop the concepts of fractions and decimals . There will also be an increased emphasis on algebraic thinking. Other topics that are studied include: statistics, geometry, measurement, probability, percents, and proportions. Special attention will be given to critical thinking, problem solving, mental math, and journaling. Fifth grade students also focus on mastering multiplication and division facts.
Social Studies: Our students are given an overview of the geography of the United States. The students will study regions of the United States along with important historical events that shaped each region.