School Band
Grades 3rd (strings only) through 8th.
Band Instructor: Chase Cataldo. [email protected]
Beginning Band - comprised of students new to Band
Advanced Band - students with at least one year of experience playing in a band.
Honors Band - students audition and are selected for Honor's band.
Battle of the Books
Grades 5th through 8th
The library offers a reading incentive program with books purchased from lists created by the teachers & librarian. Students may check out books from the SMLS library during the school year.
Battle of the Books Reading List Grades 5/6 2024-2025
Battle of the Books Reading List Grades 7/8 2024-2025
Children's Choir - grades 2nd through 6th
Contact: Carolyn Cuperwich, Music Coordinator, Ext. 119 [email protected] for more info.
Mission Club - 5th through 8th
SMLS offers acts of charity and service which is provided to the school, local, state and foreign communities in need. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Yearbook - Staff should meet in 8B and we will go to the computer lab together. Meetings are from 3:00 - 4:30 pm.