Please alert the Health Office 609-654-2546 x 213, prior to 9 AM for student absence. Any student entering school after 8:20 a.m. is marked tardy. Any student leaving before the end of the first period is marked absent for the entire day. A Pre-planned Absence Form - under Documents on the left, please complete and return to student's homeroom teacher.
Any student entering school after 8:20 a.m. is considered tardy
Any student arriving late must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and signed in at theMain Office Door #1
Please ring the doorbell on right, provide name and reason for the visit
Please notify the homeroom teacher for planned late arrival or use our online form
2021-22 Grades K-8 Early Dismissal procedure for Parents/Guardians
Early Dismissal - all early dismissals must be prior to 2:30 pm and 12:15 pm on early dismissal days, to avoid dismissal car traffic in the school parking lot.
Please notify the homeroom teacher for early dismissal or use our online form
*Please provide written/email notice of a scheduled Early Dismissal, with date, time, and homeroom to your child's teacher, who will forward it to the Main Office Staff.
**Families may need to adjust dismissal time with these new procedures in place.
Ring the Main Entrance Door #1 doorbell and provide name and reason for the visit.
The students will be called down for dismissal after the parent/guardian arrives.
Parent/Guardian is to sign out student/s on the sign-out sheet on the table in the vestibule.
Students will be dismissed to the vestibule.
Dismissal due to illness will be through the Health Office 609-654-2546 ext. 213.
Thank you for your assistance.