Unit 8 Unit 4 1. capture - the act of catching or gaining control by force or skill; to grab or hold onto; to grab the attention of 2. coward - one who has no courage or gets scared easily 3. exclaim - to speak with strong feelings or emotion; to cry out 4. gloomy - partly or completely dark; wearing a frown 5. insist - to state something or make a demand firmly 6. passage - the act of moving from one place to another; a trip by sea or by air; a way in or out; a part of written or piece of music 7. restless - unable to rest, relax, or be still 8. shallow - not deep; not showing much thought 9. shatter - to break into many pieces; to cause damage 10. talent - an ability to do something well; a skill or gift Unit 5 1. atmosphere - the air that surrounds the Earth; the feeling or mood in a room or place 2. brilliant - sparkling or full of light; striking and shiny; very smart 3. convince - to get someone to believe something or do something; to win over 4. endure - to put up with; to continue in the same way for a long time 5. glance - to look quickly; to bounce off a surface and fly off to one side 6. harsh - rough or unpleasant to the senses; unkind in voice or behavior 7. plunge - to fall quickly; top quickly throw oneself into something; the act of jumping in 8. precious - very high priced; loved and adored 9. swift - able to move at a quick speed; quick to respond 10. unite - to bring two or more parts together to make a whole
Unit 7 1. accuse - to say someone or something has done wrong; blame 2. clever - having or showing a bright mind; smart 3. coast - the land near the sea or ocean; to move along without power or effort 4. delicate - easily broken or damaged; requiring care or skill 5. explore - to travel or discover; to look into or study something 6. imitate- to copy someone's movement or expressions; to copy someone else 7. pierce - to make a hole or opening 8. rare - not often found; unusually valuable; not cooked 9. symbol - something that stands for something else 10. triumph - an important success or win; to succeed Unit 8 1. ancient - very old; early in history 2. climate - the usual weather conditions of a place 3. cling - to hold on firmly; to have a strong attachment to or feeling for someone 4. custom - a common practice; the way people do things year after year 5. decay - to slowly decline or fall into ruin; to wear away 6. disturb - to make upset or uneasy 7. expose - to uncover or open to view; to make something known 8. perform - to carry out a task; to act or entertain 9. remote - to remove in distance or time; out of the way; unlikely 10. timid - lacking courage or confidence Unit 9 1. ability - the power or skill to do something 2. avoid - to keep away from 3. bashful - shy, not at ease especially in a social setting 4. brief - short in time, amount, or length 5. compete - to take part in a game or contest; to play against another 6. consider - to think about or pay attention to 7. delightful - very pleasing or wonderful 8. honor- to respect or value 9. reflex - an automatic response 10. remark - a short statement; to mention or give an opinion Unit 10 1. actual - happening in fact or reality 2. brink - the edge especially of a high, steep place 3. chill - an unpleasant feeling of coldness 4. conquer - to defeat or take over 5. fortunate - having or bringing good luck 6. fury - strong anger 7. intend - to plan to do something; to have a goal or purpose 8. pattern- the way that shapes and color are put together; a model or guide for making something; a design that is repeated 9. vibrant - full of life, energy or activity 10. wit - the talent to describe things to people in a funny or unusual way Unit 11 1. approach - to come close to; to begin to deal with 2. approve - to give permission 3. glory - great honor or praise given by others 4. magnificent - remarkably beautiful or outstanding 5. meek - not courageous or strong 6. prompt - on time and without delay; to remind someone what to do or say 7. revive - to bring or come back to life 8. tradition - a custom, belief, or idea that has been passed on over time 9. watchful - always noticing what is happening; aware 10. wreckage - what is left of something that has been destroyed Unit 12 1. audible - capable of being heard 2. consume - to eat or drink; to use up 3. glide - to move smoothly and easily 4. origin - the cause or beginning 5. prevent - to stop from happening 6. punctuate - to mark written materials with periods, commas, and other signs; to give importance to 7. representative - a typical example; someone who acts for another 8. scorn - a feeling or expression that someone or something is inferior 9. stout - large and heavy; strong and sturdy; to have courage 10. woe - great sorrow or suffering Unit 13 1. arch - a curved structure that serves as an opening; playful, mischievous 2. authentic - the real thing 3. clarify - clear; easy to understand 4. declare - to state strongly; an official statement 5. grant - to permit or allow; something that is given 6. grave - a hole in the ground where something is buried; serious 7. modest - not boastful; proper in speech, dress or behavior 8. opponent - someone who is set against another 9. valid - supported by facts or evidence ; true 10. yearn - to long for; want Unit 14 1. admirable - deserving praise 2. automatic - done without thought or will; done by a machine 3. devotion - loyalty and affection 4. distant - far away; not friendly 5. dreary - gloomy; without cheer 6. exhaust - to use up or wear out; the escape of gas from an engine 7. kindle - to get a fire going; to start something 8. predict - to guess what is going to happen before it happens 9. separation - to be apart 10. stunt - to stop the growth of something; an act that shows great bravery Unit 15 1. abundant - more that enough; plentiful 2. barrier - something that blocks movement 3. conceive - to think up something and start it 4. format - following strict rules; requiring fancy clothes 5. inquire - to ask about 6. penalize - to punish 7. picturesque - something that is charming 8. predator - one that destroys; an animal that stalks other animals 9. privilege - a special right or benefit 10. slumber - to sleep lightly Unit 16 1. advantage - something that puts someone in a better position 2. ambition - a strong desire for importance or success 3, defiant - showing strong resistance; willing to challenge 4. fearsome - frightening or alarming 5. imply - to suggest something without saying it 6. merit - a quality that deserves praise; to be worthy of 7, negotiate - to discuss in order to arrive at an agreement 8. purify - to make clean and free of dirt 9. revoke - to cancel by withdrawing or reversing 10. wretched - very unhappy or unfortunate Unit 17 1. absorb - to soak up or keep the attention of 2. amateur - someone who does something for pleasure and not for money; someone who does not have much experience 3. channel - the deepest part of a river; a body of water that links two larger ones 4. elegant - showing beauty; high quality and good taste 5. grace - ease and beauty of movement; a short prayer 6. inspect - to look over closely 7. lame - stiff or sore, not able to walk properly; weak, not satisfactory 8, suspend - to hang in order to allow free movement; to stop for a time 9. tiresome - dull or exhausting; unexciting 10. tranquil - free from trouble or disturbance; quiet Unit 18 1. boast - to speak proudly of oneself; brag 2. eloquent - showing the ability to use words clearly 3. glisten - to shine 4. ideal - considered to be perfect 5. infectious - to spread by germs 6. invest - to put money into something that will make a profit 7. locate - to find 8. ripple - a small wave 9. sufficient - as much as needed 10. uproar - noisy excitement or confusion Unit 2 1. aim - to point or direct at a target; a purpose or goal 2. aware - knowing or realizing 3. defeat - to beat in a game or battle ; loss or failure 4. drift - to be carried away by water or air 5. mild - gentle, not harsh 6. pause - to stop for a short time; a short stop 7. refuse - to not accept or agree to something 8. route - a road or way of travel between two places 9. ruin - to destroy or damage something 10. solid - having shape and hardness; not liquid or gas; very strong and reliable Unit 3 1. active - taking action; full of movement 2. bargain - an agreement between two people or groups; something sold cheaply; a good idea 3. gasp - to breathe in quickly or have trouble breathing because of fear or shock; to catch one's breath 4. loyal - to be faithful to one's country, a person or idea 5. resource - a source of useful supplies, materials or information 6. sensitive - reacting to something quickly; easily hurt or bothered 7. struggle - an enormous effort or attempt; a battle 8. value - something important; the worth of something; an amount 9. vary - to do in a new way; to make a different; to change 10. wander - to move around without a plan or goal; to get los